Lawrenzo at the VAfrica studio sharing his story with S’phongo.

Success in anything you do is a choice. Every day, we read about ordinary individuals who made the choice to be successful, and today they are successful. Most of these stories seem unrelatable to our everyday life because of factors like geography, economy, academic qualifications, etc and that’s okay because they act as a blueprint or inspiration for those with the desire to achieve success. What one one needs to do is step outside the box and apply their principles in their reality. Lawrenzo is a young Sierra Leonean who made the choice to be successful and today he is successful in what he does.

Meet Lawrenzo, a self-made blogger, producer and reporter at Africa Young Voices Empire (AYV). Born into a family of military men and nurses in Wilberforce, Lorenzo became a blogger when he realised that his social media popularity can expand into blogging. Motivated by his uncle, Lorenzo got invited to AYV as an intern and he used this chance to expand the skills he had and learn new ones. Everything, including skills, grows if the circumstances of it allow the growth. If you plant lawn in your front yard, water it, weed it, put manure and trim it so it stays healthy and green. The opposite results in unhealthy and visually unpleasant lawn. The same principle applies to cultivating a skill. Feed the skill with information and action that allows for its growth and you will improve the skill.

Lawrenzo and S’phongo share a laugh during the filming of the interview.

You can learn anything if you are determined and patient enough. A self-taught content creator, Lawrenzo has grown to become a producer of Daily Trend and Top 20 on AYV, has close to 100 000 followers on Facebook and is one of the go to bloggers in Sierra Leone. “Most people in Sierra Leone don’t understand the importance of content creators.” He says during the interview. Lawrenzo is determined to reshape this perception of bloggers.

We exist as the luckiest generation to date. Most of the information we need to learn or grow skills is available free on the internet. YouTube boasts of thousand if not millions of free tutorials on how to do many, if not all, things we can do to better ourselves and, most importantly, to share our stories. With a five-minute video, one can learn how to create a Facebook page and start sharing their stories, business or art.

“Learning is an everyday process.”

Charming Lawrenzo
Behind the scenes: Camera director Hassan monitors the cameras during filming of interview.

Steering away from contravening the newly passed Cyber Security and Crime Act 2021 is one checkpoint Lawrenzo passes as he creates his content, so is fact checking. “One problem in Sierra Leone is that we don’t look for the fact behind the content we share online.” Narrates Lawrenzo as he speaks on some challenges he faces as a content creator. He says most people in hear one side of the story and stick with it without bothering to find the other. This causes misinformation. Lawrenzo says takes his time to get in touch with involved parties in reporting.

Charming Lawrenzo

You can connect with Lawrenzo and his content on the following. Read the latest news on his blog Trend Salone. Lawrenzo’s personal Facebook account has over 13 000 followers, check it out it’s Charming Lawrenzo. The official Charming Lawrenzo Blog Facebook page which has 42k likes shares content from around the world daily.

Lawrenzo’s journey can be used as a blueprint for anyone who wants to learn anything. From posting stories on social media to being a producer of some popular TV shows in Sierra Leone, Lawrenzo owes his successes to the ability of being able to learn as he grows. “If you want to keep your dream alive, always believe in yourself, be honest in all you do, be decisive and authoritative in what you say.” Success is a choice.


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